The feels you get as an agency marketer

3 min readJun 4, 2019
Image Credits @placeforcreation

Working in the services industry can be a real emotional rollercoaster. Working in a marketing agency is in a league of its own. When you work in an industry that is all about communication and building relationships you need to be prepared for things to get a bit emotional every now and then. After all, not knowing what the day has in store makes working in an agency so damn exciting and rewarding.

Here are the feels that I get on a daily basis as a marketing agency professional.

That feeling you get when you send something to a client and you know that they will be ringing you in the next 10 mins asking “WTF does this mean?”

As creative thinkers, us marketers need to take risks and dare to do things differently. Quite often you find yourself pitching an idea to a client that you know might raise some eyebrows or at least a lot of confused questions. Be fearless, fellow marketeer! Send that email and brace yourself for the of phone calls that are bound to come. Stand your ground, lay out your argument, address all objections and extinguish the fire you started.

That feeling you get when you have to explain something to a client for the millionth time

Let’s be honest, there is a limit to how many times you can politely explain something in detail before you start losing your patience.

The feeling you get when you had an idea your team was really impressed with

Everyone has those glorious moments. You thought of a solution to a problem or you pitched an idea you have had for a while and you get a far better response from your team than you had hoped for. A nice feel that is.

The feeling you get when you have to tell your manager that a client wants them at your next meeting

You have a call that doesn’t go as smoothly as you hoped or for some reason, the client is doubting your expertise on a particular matter and has asked for the input of your senior. Keep calm.

The feeling you get after pitching an idea that the client loves immediately

Few things feel better than coming up with something that your client is impressed with. Let yourself fly high, my friend. You are glorious.

The feeling you get BEFORE you pitch an idea to the client

Regardless of how well researched your proposition is and how well prepared you are, pitching something new to a client is always pure terror.

The feeling you get when a difficult client says something nice to you

Now this is how I like to end a week. It doesn’t happen very often but when a particularly difficult client is finally satisfied and decides to acknowledge your efforts it is just beautiful.

